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A glimpse into my world

I'm Jane Taylor, 'The Holistic Fibro Fighter,' a therapist and guide.

My experience with chronic pain, documented in my blog and podcast, fuels my passion to help individuals understand themselves more deeply and unlock their inherent capacity for transformation.


My mission is to guide people toward greater self-discovery and lasting wellness, encompassing physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. I bridge the gap between traditional talk therapy and holistic practices, weaving together psychotherapeutic exploration with shamanic tools, energy work, and dowsing. This unique approach empowers clients to navigate life events, emotions, and beliefs with increased depth and understanding, uncovering the root of pain and unlocking their innate healing potential.

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My Story

From bustling hotel restaurants and the vibrant echos of the classroom, to the quiet solitude of healing sessions, my path has been one of unexpected detours and profound transformations. When diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition, in 2014, life as I knew it took a sharp turn. Instead of letting limitations define me, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, delving into alternative healing practices that ignited a fire within.


Becoming a therapist and founding Taylor Made Therapy began with a deep desire to understand the unseen forces that shape our lives. My passion for holistic wellness extends beyond traditional psychotherapeutic techniques and my training in both counselling (NCS Level 4) and psychotherapy (NCS Level 5) has been enriching with the gentle yet powerful energy-healing modalities such as Tera-Mai™ Reiki and Seichem, Dowsing, EFT, Psychospiritual and Therapeutic Shamanism. These experiences have informed my therapeutic approach, allowing me to offer a more comprehensive and personalised experience for my clients, addressing not just their mental and emotional well-being, but also their energetic and spiritual dimensions.


Clients embark on transformative voyages of self-discovery and healing, guided by my authenticity, intuition, and shamanic wisdom. Within our collaborative sessions, a sacred and accepting space unfolds, where bespoke healing modalities are offered to meet their unique needs. As we delve into hidden realms, old emotions and patterns may emerge, paving the way for profound release and transformation. I empower clients to activate their inner strength, embrace psychic protection, and cultivate a deep sense of well-being on all levels, equipping them to trust their instincts and intuition for self-support in the modern world 


A childhood fascination with dowsing, by swinging coat hangers in my parent's garden, blossomed into a lifelong passion. Today, I wield that ancient skill to empower clients, heal myself, and share its magic through engaging workshops and co-presenting "Come Dowse With Me" on YouTube. Whether guiding someone towards emotional equilibrium or unlocking hidden earth energy,  my dowsing practice reveals hidden wisdom and what lies beneath the surface.


From mindful walks in the woods to grounding exercises inspired by the ancient earth, I offer my clients a path to reconnect with their own inner wisdom and find healing within themselves. Just as the South West  coast invigorates my spirit and the ancient stone circles up on Dartmoor offer solace, I connect with something bigger than myself, finding the courage to share my voice and guide others on their own journeys of transformation. 

Jane Taylor - The Holistic Fibro Fighter & Therapist
Come Dowse With Me - Banner

Join Amanda Peet & Myself on our Youtube channel as we chat all things dowsing, unscripted, unedited and lots of laughter


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